Stock Images
This sites provides a link to images that can be used for various media of your choosing. But do read the Licensing page before you purchase and images.
On Demand Stock Images
I can also provide you with images that are set up just for your needs. Please contact me to discuss your needs and what it may entail.
Portraits and Headshots
Whether its a portrait that you would like to give to your friends and relatives, or a corporate headshot for your LinkedIn, website or brochure, we can provide you. Pricing starts at $125 for simple 1 person shot, with up to 5 images to choose from. All images will be colour corrected, and any processing can be added.
Whether it be a magazine, brochure, or documents, we can help in the design and have it published either as a downloadable pdf or hard copy thru our affiliate at Magcloud. Contact us for more information.